Please, click on the registration button, use a valid email-address and a strong passsword. By doing so, you can take the first step towards automated and quick exchange, sale and purchase of cryptocurrencies.

KYC (Know Your Customer) means customer identification. According to a statutory provision, you can only use our exchange services after undergoing a customer identification. It is exactly defined in the corresponding statutory provision what kind of identification is needed in case of certain amounts of currency.

Of course! We grant you freedom: you can even have an external wallet, but you can also get a cryptowallet which is easy to manage.

You only have to click on the „enter” button and indicate your email-address and your password. That’s all and you can start (if you have forgotten your password, you can ask for a reminder sent to the given email-address).

As soon as the money transferred by you have arrived, the exchange process is started (almost immediately) and the right amount of money will be credited on your account. Transfer is carried out immediately within Hungary. If transfer is initiated in a foreign country, it takes 1 workday. It depends on the strain of the Coin network how fast the cryptocurrency you have bought arrives at your account.

No matter if it is a FIAT-cryptocurrency or a cryptocurrency-FIAT direction, we always use the exchange rate at the date when the sum arrives. 

The Virtual Currency Service licence will ensure credibility and suggest that you can rely on us since we even comply with the strictest standards and our activity is continuously monitored by the FIU (Financial Intelligence Unit).

Yes, because our insurance protects you and there are no nasty surprises.

You can contact our customer service in Hungarian and English language on the website [email protected]. Your questions will be answered within 24 hours.

The minimum limit per transaction is EUR 70,- or HUF 30.000,- or its crypto equivalent

The maximum limit per transaction is EUR 10.000,- or HUF 5.000.000,- or its crypto equivalent